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Crystal of the Month: Peridot - August Birthstone...

Peridot is the birthstone for the month of August. It is said to be one of the stones in the breastplate of the high priest. Peridot is a healing stone that works like a tonic to help regenerate and strengthen one from the inside, out. This powerful stone is good for eyesight, stomach issues, ulcers, and even childbirth.

When looking at life patterns and healing self-destructive behaviors, Peridot helps to cleanse and stimulate the heart and solar plexus chakras. It is protective and balancing for the energy bodies and centers, and can help promote optimum conditions for self-healing and self-growth. For the ego, Peridot can help to inspire happiness by supporting one through anger, frustration, jealousy, envy, and other lower frequencies. Peridot is a beautiful green crystal of growth and expansion.

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