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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Universal Planetary 52-Day Cycles: Universal Saturn Period (January 27th - March 20th) ...
The Universal Saturn Period is a 52-day cycle of inward reflection, meditation, spiritual growth, and spiritual discipline. This is a...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Venus Period: (December 6th - January 26th)...
The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle that takes us into 2018 with the blessings of Love. Venus rules over the arts, music, dance,...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Jupiter Period: (October 15th - December 5th)...
The Universal Jupiter Period is a 52-day cycle of expansion. It is an opportunity to expand in health, abundance, and spirituality as...

Universal Planetary Influence - Universal Mercury Period: (August 24th - October 14th)...
The Universal Mercury Period is a 52-day cycle of dealing with communication on all levels. Whether you are writing an email, having a...

Universal Planetary Influence - Universal Mars Period (July 3rd - August 23rd)...
The Universal Mars Period is a 52-day cycle of energy, action, and power to shift something in your life. This is the best time to...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Moon Period - May 12th - July 2nd...
The Universal Moon Period is a 52-day cycle of going inward, nurturing the spirit, and supporting community, family, and the general...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Sun Period (March 21st - May 11th)...
The Universal Sun Period is a 52-day cycle of healing and rising out of any darkness into the Light. The Sun is our greatest source of...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Saturn Period (January 27th - March 20th)...
The Universal Saturn Period is a 52-day cycle of inward reflection, meditation, spiritual growth, and spiritual discipline. This is a...

Universal Planetary Influence: Universal Venus Period (December 6th - January 26th)...
The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle of art, music, parties, Love, and indulgences. This is a time of year when we celebrate the...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Venus Period...
Universal Venus Period: December 6th - January 26th The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle that takes us into 2018 with the...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Jupiter Period - October 15th to December 5th...
The Universal Jupiter Period is a 52-day cycle of expansion. It is an opportunity to expand in health, abundance, and spirituality as...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Mercury Period: August 24th - October 14th...
The Universal Mercury Period is a 52-day cycle of dealing with communication on all levels. Whether you are writing an email, having a...

Monthly Numerology: 7th Month of the Year...
July is the 7th month of the year, and the number 7 relates to the planet Neptune. Neptune is connected to the mastery of Spirit over...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Mars Period: July 3rd - August 23rd...
The Universal Mars Period is a 52-day cycle that will provide an abundance of energy and the ability to complete anything unfinished....

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Moon Period May 12th - July 2nd...
The Universal Moon Period is a 52-day cycle that rules over our emotions and fluctuation. Since the Moon is constantly waxing and waning,...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Sun Period: March 21st - May 11th
The Universal Sun Period is a 52-day cycle that rules over the heart, Love, giving, and healing. The Universal Sun Period is the...

Universal Planetary Period: Universal Saturn Period January 27th - March 20th...
The Universal Saturn Period is a 52-day cycle that rules over the land and property, spiritual teaching and learning, and contraction or...

Universal Venus Period: December 6th - January 26th
The Universal Venus Period is a 52-day cycle that takes us into 2023 with the blessings of Love. Venus rules over the arts, music, dance,...

Universal Jupiter Period...
The Universal Jupiter Period is a 52-day cycle of expansion. It is an opportunity to expand in health, abundance, and spirituality as...

Universal Mercury Period...
The Universal Mercury Period is a 52-day cycle of dealing with communication on all levels. Whether you are writing an email, having a...
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