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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Joshua's Corner: Regarding Love...
This time is different. In this moment you are free. FREE! So free, that in this temporary world of love and hate, you choose to LOVE so...

Joshua's Corner: Smile...
One day you will wake up to find that life is different than before. You are not who you used to be, but yet you are in the middle of the...

Joshua's Corner: Simplicity Brings Peace...
Simplicity brings peace of mind. Clarity brings trust of heart. Honesty brings the right people in your reality. When we live a simple,...

Joshua's Corner: Authentic Reality...
A spiritual journey From the hearts core Reflecting and praying At first seems a chore Listening to the wind Climbing on a rock Swimming...

Joshua's Corner: Trust Your Hunch...
There once was a person who knew not so much. They believed in their feelings and trusted their hunch. You know, that wiggling deep down...

Joshua's Corner: New...
Ready for change. Ready for the new. Every moment is a chance to be true to you. Making little steps daily add up to big lifetime...

Joshua's Corner: sELF-Reflection...
This is the time of year when we are drawn to go inward. To go to our depths, perhaps uncharted. As we dive deep, we must remember that...

Joshua's Corner: Loving Inside...
Ups and downs... We all go through it. We all can empathize. We all face darkness. We all have the choice to rise. We must make...

Joshua's Corner: Creating with Love...
Uncertain times brings renewed faith in your own intuition. When you call upon your angels they will help with peaceful conviction. ...

Joshua's Corner: The Do's...
Do more exercise. Do more art. Do more music. Do listen to your heart. Do less TV. Do less complaining. Do less stress-you know it is...

Joshua's Corner: Peace & Thanksgiving...
We all have a book we go to that offers helpful stories of understanding, tolerance and love. No matter what your background, this is a...

Joshua's Corner: Love Freely...
We live and let love. We honor and let thrive. We remember that we are free. Together we are the new hope. Together we are...

Joshua's Corner: Grateful...
The seasons of life and the merry adventure. Seems as though the sun rises lower and is gone before I can remember. Each moment more...

Joshua's Corner: Make the Journey Your Quest...
Express your heart in productive ways, Carry yourself with dignity and grace. Up against a wall? No worries, you won't fall. The...

Joshua's Corner: Do Your Best Truth...
Truth. What is truth? The Wikipedia definitions are as follows: 1) the quality or state of being true. 2) that which is true or in...

Joshua's Corner: In Search of Love...
We were once able to shelter ourselves from the totality of light and reality. Once we knew that humans were not the top of the food...

Joshua's Corner: Divine Love...
In everyday co-create happiness, truth and understanding. Be the best you can truly be. No one can stop a loving heart on the mission...

Joshua's Corner: Time For Tenderness...
Be happy. Be free. Hug often. Hug a tree. Listen with love. Listen to a bee. Laugh because you can. Laugh when you feel sad. Try...

Joshua's Corner: Mend The Heart...
The time is right, when you are ready.  In our mind, timing can be a challenge. However when you listen to your heart, timing is an...

Joshua's Corner: E-Go, B-Gone...
Let go of who you think you are supposed to be. Be grateful and rooted like a tree. The winds of time may weather you a bit, And for...
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