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Mantra of the Month: Triple Mantra...

Mantra & Meaning:

Ad Guray Namay,

Jugad Guray Namay,

Sat Guray Namay,

Siri Guru Devay Namay.

Ad Such,

Jugad Such,

Habee Such,

Nanaka O See Bee Such.

Ad Such,

Jugad Such,

Habeh Such,

Nanaka O See Beh Such.

Reverence to the Primal Light

Reverence to the Eternal Light

Reverence to the True Light

Reverence to the Transparent Light

As it was in the Beginning, It is has always been true, and it is true now. We are one with the inner Divine Light.

As it was in the Beginning, It is has always been true, and it is true now. We are one with the external Divine Light.

Triple Mantra is a great mantra of protection and Light. It is a the sound current that is the remover of obstacles, psychic attacks, accidents, and negativity. In order to have energetic protection, Triple Mantra works on the aura and in strengthening the electromagnetic field. This is one mantra that we always suggest to chant daily in order to be at the right place and the right time. With the volatility of the world in this age, Triple Mantra is a gift and a tool to help us navigate every day. Chant this for 11 minutes daily and see how things shift for your greatest good.

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