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Weekly Insights: Filling Up To Let It All Go...

The Full Moon in Aquarius, otherwise known as the Sturgeon Moon, is the last and final Full Moon of the Summer. The Summer Season has been about self-healing, getting charged with inspiring ideas and creations, and shining the Light on what is working versus what needs a little extra support. Most people travel, seek new experiences, and take time for themselves away from their normal routines in the Summertime. As the kids go back to school and schedules become more defined, we move away from the summer restoration time, and back toward our responsibilities. This is why the Full Moon is so powerful at this time. We each have the energies available to make needed adjustments, and to let go of what we do not wish to carry into the Fall season. If there has been heartbreak, disappointment, betrayal, or pain, we have the support right now to choose to let it all go.

Mercury Retrograde sometimes digs up the past in order to test us. Have we truly let go of the pain, or are there remnants of it hiding out in the shadows of the mind and heart? The Aquarius Full Moon connects us to the astrological sign of independence, rebellion, and detachment. It is also an empowering energy of creativity, open-mindedness, and innovativeness. If something isn't working, we have the power to come up with amazing alternatives that will help us get back into our natural flow of goodness, joy, and prosperity. All it takes is a little honesty, a lot of consciousness, and a spark of motivation - and BAM - positive change is born!

Part of the letting go process has to do with the past. How can we embrace every moment if we spend our time focusing on what was? We end up robbing ourselves of the gift of the present and that also effects our future. The Full Moon is a time to illuminate the inner world and identify the areas that still cling to the past. This may be the waning moon to address the wound that is asking to be released, and it may not. There is no 'right time' that fits all, so each of us has to determine that for ourselves. "Time Heals All Wounds" is a famous saying that gives us Hope that one day our suffering will subside. In general, time has been helpful for some people in terms of gaining new perspectives, seeing things from different angles, and making various choices that help us move past our past. The Truth is however, that pain from our personal traumas sometimes need much more than just time. Childhood abuse, neglect, violence, or loss from death or divorce, along with other types of traumatic events, can last an entire lifetime for some people. Sometimes we have to get professional help in order to work through our grudges, unhealthy coping mechanisms, numbing techniques, or deep issues of denial in order to move forward. The mind can get stuck, much like a scratched record, and keep repeating the situation or storyline until we cannot live with it any longer. In this deep state of trauma, some people can start to believe that the only way to find an end is by drastic means. The mind goes where we allow it to go, and if it is unproductive, then we have to take the initiative to get ourselves help or support. If we can't, then hopefully there are people around us that are willing to step in and help. In the world of Holistic Health, we have these kinds of "real" conversations regularly. Conversations are the key to unlocking it all. We have to talk about challenges that become overwhelming. When we take the time to talk to someone, journal, or express ourselves in some way, we can set the struggle free. Holding onto things inside can become dis-eases in the body. Darkness needs a place to go, and when we expose it to the Light by opening up and letting it out, then the power is extracted and it can no longer control us.

There are a lot of people walking around with deep pain. The more kind, helpful, and compassionate we can be throughout each day and in various situations, the better we can support our community in mental and emotional healing. We are all interconnected, and when one of us is having a hard time, the frequency is felt by the entire community. When we can be a safe place for someone who has been experiencing mistrust, then we are able to offer the gift of Hope.

As this Full Moon energy builds, we become more sensitive. The night sky becomes brighter, much like our inner worlds. Therefore, we get a chance to see what would otherwise be hidden. The waning moon, which begins the moment the moon becomes full, supports the release of these heavier energies. We have a wonderful opportunity to "lighten up" and let go. Take time to go inward and listen to the voice of the heart. Using the Venusian energies of harmony and Love, there is a golden opportunity to release the weight that is anchoring us down. Healing looks and behaves differently for all of us. Some take moments to let go, while others may take a whole lifetime. There is no wrong way to go through this process, but the way we go through it matters. Loving ourselves through our healing process might be the most important part of the journey. May the mind, heart, and soul feel Light enough to lift in this Sturgeon Full Moon time, and may we give ourselves the grace to heal in our own unique way and on our own timeline. Blessings to All!

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