In a matter of seconds, our lives can transform before our eyes. The LA fire emergency is a harsh reminder that we are not in complete control of our realities. When the Universe beckons change, it can come in and shake things up at any moment. Talking to so many people who have lost everything this past week, their stories remain the same. The reality of real danger went from miles away to around the corner within moments, and it was too late to do anything about it but escape with their lives. It has shaken our local communities to the core, knowing that these stories could easily be ours one day. The big conversations for a lot of us are about what we would take with us if we had seconds to leave, and where we would go in case of an emergency. ID, birth certificates, passports, credit cards, cash, medications, plant medicine, phones, chargers, prescription eyewear, computers, keys, and children/pet supplies are on the immediate list. Water, food, clothes, shoes, flashlight, first aid kit, valuable jewelry, toiletries, and instruments are on the "if there is time to grab it" list. The rest is a luxury, and includes photo albums, important keepsakes, and anything that is of importance to us or our Loved ones. Going through this process has been very deep and also very challenging because you think about the memories attached to everything in your home. So many people don't have the luxury of looking at old photo albums, reading a letter from a deceased Loved one, or wearing their great grandmother's jewelry because it is all gone now. We can look at this situation and feel very angry, sad, or depressed, but that won't bring anything back. It is about navigating forward after great loss, and that is a huge challenge that comes with a great payoff.
People who hold onto Hope, and chose to move forward after devastating loss tend to be healthier and happier in the long run. Hope is a simple concept with a profound imprint on our lives. It sounds so beautiful and easy, but when you are in complete darkness, it can be hard to grasp onto. In a disaster, Hope is there to pick us up off the ground and get us moving forward once again. It motives action forward and offers strength to persevere, even when we can't perceive a pathway out of our current situation. When we believe that things will get better, then we tend to seek outside help more, and we become more resilient in our lives in general. As we start to recover and rebuild our lives, anxiety subsides and feelings of despair begin melting away. We start to see the Light at the end of a very long tunnel, and a new life emerges from the ashes. This is the alchemy of transformation. Something dies and something new is born. It is the great story of life and death, and whether it happens at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of our lives, we all have to experience it. No amount of money or fame can save us. However, our communities can become the catalyst for a greater support system of Hope. We can motivate, inspire, and uplift one another. Our efforts to help our brothers and sisters can be the Light that illuminates goodness when all we can see is darkness.
We pray for Hope to touch the hearts of everyone in LA and around the world who are suffering from great loss. We are united in our hearts with Love, and we hold you in our prayers. May the Light of Hope create the vision of a pathway forward for everyone.