What do we yearn for so deeply? World peace? Inner peace? "The World" is our reflection, so instead of complaining about what we don't like to see in the world, we can work to shift it subconsciously. Working inward, creating time, and having the space to sit with oneself to meditate, contemplate, dream, and process life is important in the healing process that leads to our wholeness. In order to see what is going on inside, we have to create the space to explore it all. Investing in oneself this way opens a pathway toward profound transformation. It is also vital in becoming a healthy human being. How we think and feel inside is directly connected to our physical health. Toxic emotions are like poisons to our health and to our lives. There isn't one human being that can avoid experiencing betrayal, heartbreak, and emotional discomfort. What makes us different is how we choose to respond to it all. Avoiding it or pushing it deep down inside of us will only push it deeper into our future. All things eventually find themselves onto the surface once again. The pain can become like a stain and stick to us until we clear it and clean it up. In order to heal, our troubles have to be brought to Light. All of our negative beliefs, habits, and addictions can be traced back to the deeply embedded traumas and pains we hold in our memories. Those same dark places also house our inner dreams, visions, and magical forces that are all waiting to be discovered. By moving into the darkness instead of fearing it or avoiding it, we can heal deeply and uncover the gifts that have been waiting to be discovered. Under the pain is our ultimate freedom, and learning how to let the pain go becomes the Light that feeds it. When we learn how to conquer the parts of us we cannot see, then we have the ability to master the reality we see in front of us. They are connected and intertwined deeply through our memories of experiences that mold us to become who we are. The key is that we don't allow the pain to grow into who we become, but instead we water the seeds of Truth that create the capacity for us to overcome that pain and transmute it into our greatest blessings. It is possible through forgiveness, putting our Love into everything we do, having faith in ourselves, and hoping for the very best for all.
Our micro-environments are key in surrounding us with reminders of what we really want. From dream boards to affirmations, and colors that activate us to having crystals, plants, and essences that ground us, the physical environment is a powerful space for our dreams to seed. We can start by creating an outer space for transformation, and then make the time in our lives for ourselves to process. Whatever relationships we have with people, money, success, and personal happiness, they are reflections of what lives inside of us. If we continue to manifest trauma, lack, failure, and depression, then we can look inside to find these very energies living and breathing freely. It is our job to dive into them and release their oxygen. When we allow ourselves to feel it all and process in our own timing, then the darkness can no longer have power over us. When we are really ready to change the world, this is where it begins. Deep inside, we are the world manifested. This is an amazing and empowering time to do this transformational work. May you befriend your subconscious mind and empower your life with the healing that comes in clearing the weight of the past. This is the key to personal freedom, happiness, and health, and we have the power to unlock it all.