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Weekly Insights: You Are Your Greatest Blessing...

Each of us, molded by our past, present, and goals for our future, are a product of who we are inside. It has become so easy to see that in our own lives, the amount of Love we give is equal to the amount we receive. Some will argue this up and down while selfishly blaming the world for everything that has gone wrong. Others will take ownership of their actions, feelings, behaviors, thoughts, words, and deeds, and see how their frequency affects the reality they have created today. In this amazing life school, we get to witness all types of ways to approach the art of living. Our greatest heroes have stories of sacrifice and honor, giving and offering all they had for the greatest good of all. Why is that effortless for some and impossible for others? What causes our minds and hearts to be so far apart when it comes to realizing this and understanding our role in our own realities?

Scientists say that our brains actually generate "matches" to reality, and not always what is truly real. What we see is what meets our expectations or inner desires. It is also based on what we know and understand to be true, and our own life experiences. What is real to each of us is not necessarily "real". Every human has blind spots. There are spaces that we can perceive reality just as it is, and there are other spaces where our feelings and assumptions based on bias or prejudices shift reality to work for us. There are brain tests that prove this on the regular. One group sees one reality and the other sees something completely different. Scientists say that this decision-making all happens outside of the frontal lobes - which are able to perceive higher truths or realities. This is the space where our "stories" are constructed. Even when people were told the truth, they still believed in the "story" that their brain constructed based on what they knew. This says a lot for us and the world we live in today. There are many realities happening at the same time, and everyone believes that theirs is true... but is it?

In today's world, we are inundated with so much information that it is impossible to get it all right. We accept something as how we perceive it and move on. Over time, our brains predict outcomes before they even happen. In saying this, it is no wonder that humans fight and argue until they are blue in the face. If you knew that what you were fighting for was not true or real, would you still fight? This is something to meditate on. Why do we not have world peace, when majority of humans want that more than anything? Each of us is also just human. We are flawed, but we want to be right and know what we should know because our egos tell us that that is how things should be. When everyone can humble themselves to understand that no one is completely right, then we can start to have a conversation. Until then, we have to learn from trial and error. Remember, we are our reality. The more honest, humble, and compassionate we can become, the more we will be able to meet each other in the center. In that one space where we can "see" one another, we can have a conversation.

May your week lead to deeper awakenings, unfoldings, and discoveries. May this New Moon Eclipse help to shed the old and bring in the new frequencies of kindness and understanding. May we all embrace our gifts and share them with the world. We pray for good conversations, powerful meditations, and miraculous creations. Blessings and Love to all!

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