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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Weekly Insights: Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...
We are officially in the first eclipse season of 2024. This is the first big change of the year, allowing us to cut out the toxic...

Weekly Insights: Spring Equinox Time For Healing...
Spring Equinox blesses us with the energies of harmony, Light, and healing seeds of Love. As one of the most powerful weeks of the entire...

Weekly Insights: The Great Human Dilemma - My Way or the Highway?...
We are a very complicated species with a rich and complex perspective on life and what is right or wrong from our own perspective. This...

Weekly Insights: Oceans of Emotions...
Our energy-in-motion, or emotions, are super powers that can can boost us when used with Loving awareness, or can be used against us when...

Weekly Insights: Freedom In A Leap of Faith...
It's Pisces season, the waning moon, a Leap Year, the Year of the Dragon, the Universal Saturn Period, and the week of The Hermit. This...

Weekly Insights: Life is An Inside Job...
There is over 80% of the oceans of the Earth that have never been explored, mapped, or studied in any way. When we learned this fact, we...

Weekly Insights: Why Love?...
Saint Valentine was said to be a Roman priest and a physician who had an affinity to Love. One legend says that he was imprisoned in...

Weekly Insights: Inward, Outward, or Somewhere Between?...
We recently watched a documentary on the deepest trenches of the ocean. Seven miles below the sea marks the deepest depths of the planet,...

Weekly Insights: Who Do We Follow & Why?...
This week's archetype, The Hierophant, always brings up some deep topics for us. Not only is it connected to the intelligence,...

Weekly Insights: Authentically Courageous...
It's one thing to pursue a dream, and it is another thing to pursue a life mission. To be oneself in a world of critics and judges is a...

Weekly Insights: It Takes Two To Tango...
We all have relationship vibrations that click and those that repel. We have people in our lives that feel like home, while others can...

Weekly Insights: Trust is the Foundation to Freedom...
Why is it so easy to trust someone in power who we have never met, but maybe not as easy to always trust oneself? One of the greatest...

Weekly Insights: Strength, Gentleness, & Love in 2024...
The year of 2024 offers a strength aligned with a gentle will. Gentleness is defined as "the quality of being kind, tender, or...

Weekly Insights: A Full, Cold Moon Shines Its Light...
The Cold Moon is a high-rising lunar event that takes longer to set due to its position in the night sky. It is up there, shining...

Weekly Insights: Winter Soul-stice Time of Rebirthing...
This week marks the longest night of the year - Winter Solstice. It is the darkest day, and one of the four most powerful times for...

Weekly Insights: Impossibly Possible...
The winter months are darker, colder, and slower. This is the time when animals hibernate and humans bundle up for warmth. The darker...

Weekly Insights: Dream Weavers...
From the Greeks and Ancient Egyptians to the prophets in the scriptures, the idea of life as a great tapestry woven together with all...

Weekly Insights: Hopeful For A Brighter Today...
Hope is a great physical strengthener that serves as a life preserver during tougher times. Scientists have studied people who have a lot...

Weekly Insights: Healing with the Power of Thankfulness, Appreciation, and Gratitude...
Life can present heavy energies that we have to face head on each day. There are internal and external wars, challenges, and obstacles....

Weekly Insights: New Moon Evolution...
Do we see the Earth as our personal playground or do we understand our interconnectedness? Do we care what happens to someone we have...
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