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Grace Upon Grace...

This lifetime is a gift for the soul to learn more about the Universe. From the most amazing Earthly accomplishments, to the most horrific tragedies, there is always a deeper teaching in every situation. The Universe is neutral. It is not the judge of what kind of life we choose to live - we are. Each of us is connected through the power of Love, Wisdom, and Truth. Why not choose a healing path of happiness, health, and prosperity? We did not come to the Earth to suffer.

The Universe holds space for the "grace upon grace". We have the opportunity to create positive changes in our lives at any moment because - by the grace of God - there is always another opportunity to start over. How we grew up may not have been our choosing in physical form. However, what we choose to do with those lessons, and how we act from them - or react to them - is apparent in how we live our lives today. These past influences on our personality, beliefs, and mental tapes is what springs up in times of challenge. We struggle with the parts of us that have not moved forward. Those unconscious pains then become seeds for new and similar creations to sprout up in order to finally be cleared by our conscious mind. This continues for each of us until we are tired of circling around and around. Even after choosing to end cycles of pain, another test manifests in order to make sure we are really done. The ultimate lesson comes with the mirrors that reflect who we are in our daily reality. The mirrors come in the form of people, situations, and interactions that remind us of the energies that we are putting out on a daily basis. When they reflect pain and heartache, we have to ask ourselves if we have unconsciously or consciously caused someone else to suffer. We have the opportunity to wake up each day and choose who we are going to be to ourselves, to the planet, and to others. Each day is like a blank canvas for us to create the attitudes, beliefs, and actions we express inward and outward. What a gift that is!

As the Earth is raising Her vibration daily, we are also asked to grow and rise to new levels of consciousness. There is so much inside of each of us that has not even been tapped into yet. There is a brilliant depth of magic hidden in the soul and stored in the heart that most humans are not aware of. When we turn our two eyes inward and upward to the all-seeing eye, we can catch a glimpse of the potential we hold inside for healing and creating what we never thought was possible before. Letting go of the outer fears and worries by going inward to the spark of Light in the heart is what makes all things possible. We are only touching the surface of the kind of reality we are capable of living. Imagine a life based on a Love that has no conditions of any kind. That is what each of us can create when we believe we are worth the effort it takes to look for goodness in all people, places, and situations. Take a stand for self-Love, and allow yourself to be bright and brilliant so that you can share that magnificence with others.

Summer is here, and it is a powerfully charged time to step into the Light. Feeling Light is a source of freedom for the grace to move through our lives. Celebrate the gifts of every moment, hold onto gratitude, and see the very best for all living beings. By lifting each other up and being stewards to the Earth and all forms of life, we rise even higher. Let's celebrate - this is a time of renewal, growth, and healing transformation together. We will see you on Monday evening on Facebook Live for a special community celebration. Together, with our prayerful intentions, we can help to heal ourselves and the planet.

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