Mudra means "To Please", and is a way to invoke the unseen forces for health and happiness. You can literally manifest your destiny with the palm of your hands. Mudras are a type of sign language to the angelic realm. Every day, hire the angels of Light and fire the angels of darkness with Mudra Therapy.
The month of June is the 6th month of the year. Six is the number for the vibration of harmony, as illustrated in the symbol of the six-pointed star - The Star of David. It explains the balance between the two polarities we experience in life - the positive and negative - the yang and yin - or the masculine and feminine qualities. When we can learn to embrace and Love both as neutral forces that explain the direction of energy, then we have the ability to dwell in the center - or the heart - of our energy which is directed by Love. Love is the ultimate balancer of any dualistic experience here on Earth.
Gyan Mudra is the harmonizing of our ego's plan with our heart's plan. It is hand posture that directs the individual to think more universally. By bowing our physical self to our highest self, we allow the flow of Love to take over and harmonize all areas of our lives. We are also activating our lung and large intestine meridians through the thumb and index fingers respectively. This allows for a deeper embrace of life while easing the ability to process what we experience physically. To stay in the flow of life and move through challenges and blessings with neutrality, these areas of our being must be open, and this mudra can support that opening. Crossing the arms at the wrist helps to activate the digestion and lymphatic zones in the body, again supporting a healthy flow of energy and movement. The right, more active arm is close to the heart while the introspective and intuitive, left arm, is on the outside, balancing the yin and yang energies. The wrists face outward to project harmony out infinitely through the aura.
How To Perform This Mudra:
1. Straighten the spine in a comfortable posture sitting, standing, or laying down.
2. Rub your hands together vigorously.
3. Gently bring your thumb (Mars) tip to touch the index finger (Jupiter) tip on both hands.
4. Straighten all of the other fingers on both hands.
5. Bring the right arm closest to the body and cross the left arm over the right.
6. Flex the wrists, allowing the palms of the hands to face the left and right sides of the space.
7. Relax your shoulders and elongate the spine, allowing the chest to rise and the chin to gently relax in and up.
8. Smile, breathe, and chant the healing mantra "Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung" or practice Three Part Breath (See Below). In-Joy!
3-Part Breath (Optional):
Inhale slowly into the belly, rib cage, and upper chest for a count of 20. Hold the breath and squeeze the rectum for a count of 20. Exhale from the chest, rib cage, and belly, drawing the navel in toward the spine for a count of 20. Repeat the breath for a total of 3 minutes. SMILE!