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Poem of the Week: Believe in Yourself & Go For It...

It has taken a lifetime to learn who we are,

It's been a journey of highs and lows.

It's important, after making it this far,

That faith in self abundantly grows.

No more second guessing a choice,

Or going back on what truly matters.

This life is about finding our voice,

Pursuing truth, while fear shatters.

Authentically living our passions each day,

Being the best that we can possibly be.

Life shares that everything will be okay,

And that going all the way is the key.

Nothing can hold back powerful dreams,

They are the visions that call in our destiny.

Finding the balance by avoiding extremes,

Reality starts feeling like ecstasy.

What matters is not what others might say,

Or how the world judges our actions.

It's living each and every day,

Authentically and with complete satisfaction.

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