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RaMa Mama Doula Share: Yoni Steaming - What & Why?...

Writer's picture: RaMa Holistic Care RaMa Holistic Care

Yoni Steaming, or vaginal steaming, dates back many centuries to ancient civilizations' rituals, and is currently practiced all around the world. It is a practice of sitting bottomless over a pot of steaming water with herbs. Just like we steam our faces to open the pores, this practice is meant to help open the vaginal tissues' pores so the herbs can enter and help bring healing. Vaginal steam rituals have been practiced by the Indigenous in the Americas, and in Africa, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Mozambique, and India. Ancient Egyptian women used this practice to cleanse and purify the vagina after childbirth. The Ancient Greeks called this practice "fumigation", and women would sit over a sealed jar of heated herbs in a hole in the ground. Smoke was transferred from the jar to the vagina by a reed. Women have reported that this practice helps to naturally clean the entire reproductive tract, reduce stress, helping depression, relieving headaches, restoring regularity to periods, and helping fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, cervical stenosis, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and fatigue. A lot of women use this technique to help with fertility, recover from childbirth, ease cramping, tighten the vagina, relieve hemorrhoid pain, detox the uterus, increase energy, as a beauty treatment, or to help balance hormones. Because there has never been scientific research done on this topic, women have been learning how to do it through trial and error. This has caused some women to burn themselves or cause other problems from not knowing what they are doing. It is noted, however, that you are not supposed to practice yoni steaming when menstruating or pregnant, but overall it can be a useful practice to those seeking help in these areas.

The herbs that are used make a difference as well. It is important to use herbs that have been grown without pesticides, and without additives or subtractives to shift the energy of the plant. The vagina is a place where herbs are absorbed very easily, as there is no air inside to oxidize them. Picking the right herbs is very important in getting the desired results. If fake scents are added to the herbs, the woman can be at risk of yeast and bacterial infections due to a pH imbalance. Also, it is crucial that all of the equipment used in Yoni Steaming is sterilized in order to avoid harmful bacteria from entering and causing an infection. Some women will argue that douching, steaming, or cleansing the vagina in general will disrupt the natural self-cleansing mechanisms and throw off the pH. Side effects of this practice for some women have been burns, itching, swelling, yeast infections, and abnormal discharge, but these are not reported nearly as often when done under the guidance of a professional.

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