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Writer's pictureRaMa Holistic Care

Weekly Insights: Wish to the Wash - From the Head to the Heart...

Gemini's influence from Mercury is here this Full Moon to help us observe how the mind works with the heart to create our living reality right before our eyes. It comes at the end of the year in this final Full Moon and wonderful time of deep reflection. Thoughts and emotions are the father and mother energies of manifestation, and that makes them the gifts of self-awareness. The heart offers us a 6th sense, or gut feeling, about what would be in the highest interest of us all. The head provides the playground for critical thinking, where we get to decide if the heart is choosing what is most in alignment with the greater goal, our personal beliefs, and our values moving forward. Sometimes both the mind and the heart are warning us about a situation that may not be good for us, but we react without listening to either and put ourselves in sticky situations. It may not seem right or feel right, but it might just offer a reward of impulsive goodness or satisfaction, which is just enough to shift us in that direction. Humans are complicated beings, and just because we make a decision to do something doesn't mean that it will help us in the long run. It might be a fork in the road that causes us to veer one way or the other, or we may just be struggling to make an important decision that could direct the outcome of our reality for years to come. Either way, this is an historic battle that humans have faced since our very first decision was ever made. When we make a choice from the heart, then we might face harsh criticism from the head. When we choose to follow logic, our hearts might blame us for not going with what initially felt better and resonated the most.

There are many schools of thought on this topic, and when we say that thoughts are more masculine while emotions are more feminine, then we make our choices personal instead of vital or natural. The mind has a very specific purpose, which is to provide a rational, logical, and thought-provoking decision. Some say it is connected to the ego and is the decision-maker that offers self-serving direction based on whatever is desired in any specific moment. The heart is more of an emotional, intuitive, and directional leader. It feels into the bigger picture and provides us with a choice that is coming from what moves us passionately toward our greatest overall desires. Some say it can be overly emotional and reactive based on how passionately we feel about one thing or the other. Looking at the organs themselves, the mind is controlled by impulses to the brain in an electrical connection to the Nervous System. Even though this sounds very sterile, the Nervous System is the bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. It can help us to hold more spiritual Light when it is strong and toned. However, the mind offers these impulses to a brain that has two hemispheres of duality. It encompasses the two aspects of who we are in the left and right brains, but uses analytics to decide between the two sides. The mind can be considered to the center of our consciousness, so it is in charge of making all of the decisions. The heart, however, is a muscle pump that circulates the river of life throughout the body. It is acts like a Lighthouse and place of oneness as a spiritual center for Love to shine through. The heart is a guide of what feels best to the soul, working like a compass that can direct us toward the best possible path to take. Both embody Spirit in different ways, and allow us to find our center within our own duality in two very different ways.

How does this opposition play out in our daily lives? We all have the two extremes represented in our relationships with ourselves and others, but we each take a different road that leads to very different outcomes. When we choose to look at the bigger picture and let go of the worries of the finer details, then we tend to jump in whole-heartedly with big leaps of faith. When we choose to weigh the pros and cons, considering all of the information of the past, present, and future possibilities, we create stability while using caution, common sense, and practicality. It is much more predictable, but it feels safer to the head than jumping into the unknown simply because it "feels right". Buying into the theme of duality, we can easily see that these two paths are very different and almost opposite of one another. Yet when it all boils down to it, we need to use both of them together to reach our potential and find our ultimate destiny. The brain is very physical, while the mind is an energy. The heart is very physical, while the soul is an energy. Each of these organ-spirit connections serve to deepen our human experiences. Sometimes our senses get us to the place we need to be, and then our logic comes in to save us from making stupid mistakes when we get there. Other times, our logic addresses our rational ideas and supports creating the blueprint for our success and happiness, and then our feelings pump us up with the passion and desire we need to make ourselves successful. When these energies align with one another, they have the potential to create the most balanced, harmonious, and joyful realities that we could have ever hoped for. The dance between these two vital forces is what makes us the most amazing beings that are capable of miraculous and outstanding creations on our very short stay here on planet Earth. It will never make us perfect or indestructible, as we are bound to make mistakes because we are flawed and imperfect. However, when these two forces come together as one, there is no stopping us on our journeys toward happiness, success, and fulfillment. This lifetime is an experiment of the mind and soul. With a little heart and thought, we can create the platform for a wonderful life. At this year's end, take time to reflect who is controlling the flow of reality in your life. How can there be more balance, less extremes, and increased blessing and beauty? Together, the head and heart can find the way to a higher vibrational frequency on the Earth as one. Are you ready to claim it?

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