Happy Happy 2020! Dreams can come true! We are living proof that when you focus on what you want to create with hard work and discipline, anything is possible. We are so happy to announce our new company, Sacred Scents Aromatherapy! Please support us in spreading the good work by visiting us on social media...
We are sharing the first 12 plant angels of our new, hand-curated line of Certified Organic and Wild Harvested (non-sprayed), single, pure, hand-poured, mantra-infused medicinal essences in three offerings this month in Santa Monica. Please join us this Saturday for our Mystic Medicine Circle of anointing with Sacred Scents, breathing, chanting, and receiving Divine Spiritual Wisdom. Also, we will be hosting a Launching Party after our Full Moon Ritual on January 10th. Finally, we will share a second, and uniquely different, Mystic Medicine Circle experience on January 19th following an amazing Woman's Empowerment afternoon at Naam Yoga LA. Come and try our new line of sacred scents for health, harmony, and happiness, and support your new local aromatherapy company!