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Poem of the Week: The Healing Process

Some say traumas have hidden blessings,

Sometimes the process feels so repressing.

In order to heal core wounds inside,

The truth has to be told from the survivor's side.

Loved ones can then share as a gift,

Acknowledgement of what's happened so it can lift.

When it feels tough to face what has happened,

The survivor is stunted in healing and saddened.

Maintaining neutrality by not placing blame,

Or creating problems that cause survivor shame.

Looking at the person who did the violation,

Seeking them help to take away their temptation.

The pain surrounding abuse is intense,

Without proper closure it continues to commence.

So speak up, speak out, and share your truth,

Get support and be heard whether adult or youth.

These deep pains are here to transmute into good,

And this happens when truth is understood.

Love takes all shapes, forms, and conditions,

Stay steady with Love, it's the primary mission.

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