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Poem of the Week...The Worm Moon Wiggles In

In tune with the Earth and the healing vibrations,

This Full Worm Moon activates a deeper transformation.

The subtle senses bring psychic intuition,

Magic and mystery manifest a sacred condition.

The abundance of waters fall from the sky,

Unleashing worm energy from the soil nearby.

Out from the darkness they wiggle to the Light,

Worms digest the soil with all of their might.

In each of us this Full Moon translates well,

Prosperity and protection grounds in every cell.

Renewal and rebirth during this Equinox season,

Dispersing nutrients to prevent depletion.

Nurturing, healing, and creating earthly treasures,

The vibration of the Worm Moon enhances fertile pleasures.

Between the conscious and superconscious, balance is reflected,

And the Full Worm Moon supports feeling more connected.

As we wiggle our way out of old cycles and into new,

There is plenty of space for a major life breakthrough.

Letting go of the past and the weight that was there,

Opening the heart to Love and connecting through prayer.

This season is a blessing for positive change,

With Love, joy, and happiness, so much can be gained.

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