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RaMa Holistic Care
RaMa Holistic Care is honored to share a weekly newsletter that we started when we first started our business in 2007. Enjoy this service and reach out should you wish to learn more. We teach this wisdom in workshops, trainings, and many other learning opportunities that we offer, and we look forward to serving your needs when the timing is right.

Aromatherapy Share: Plant Medicine To Help Bring Peace of Mind...
When the mind is at peace, we sleep well and we function much more clearly. Our stress and anxiety levels lower, we can focus,...

Joshua's Corner: Simplicity Brings Peace...
Simplicity brings peace of mind. Clarity brings trust of heart. Honesty brings the right people in your reality. When we live a simple,...

Weekly Insights: Calling In The High Vibes...
So many times, we are quick to share the most negative, shocking, and depressing news with one another. We are in an age where the most...

Poem of the Week: Evidence of Miracles...
Do good in this world and have good intentions, Waves of Love penetrate from all dimensions. Those thoughts, words, behaviors, and...

Good News Around The World: All Chicago City Buildings Now Run on Renewable Energy...
The Following Article is From The Good News Network... In a laudable civic accomplishment, all 411 buildings owned and operated by the...

Honoring Our US Protectorates: Puerto Rico...
Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean, just east of the Dominican Republic with almost 300 miles of coastline-filled beaches. It is the...

Aromatherapy Share: Plant Medicine For Red, Burning Eyes, Tight Lungs, and Skin Burns From Fires...
Have you been affected by the fires physically? We are here to help with some plants that can relieve discomfort and pain. The air...

Joshua's Corner: Authentic Reality...
A spiritual journey From the hearts core Reflecting and praying At first seems a chore Listening to the wind Climbing on a rock Swimming...

Weekly Insights: Finding Hope in Transformative Times...
In a matter of seconds, our lives can transform before our eyes. The LA fire emergency is a harsh reminder that we are not in complete...

Poem of the Week: Alchemy of Hope...
Winds of change came rolling in, A spark turned into a whirling spin. Flames ignited and it all burned down, Only ashes were left in this...

Good News Around The World: Donated Christmas Trees Enrich the Habitats of Zoo Animals While Reducing Landfill Waste...
The Following Article is From The Good News Network... A zoo in England is asking residents to donate their used Christmas trees to help...

Honoring Our U.S. Protectorates: Guam...
Guam is an unincorporated US territory that's considered the largest island in Micronesia and the southernmost island in the Mariana...

Aromatherapy Share: Plant Medicine To Enhance Meditation & Intuition...
All plants are connected to the Earth, and therefore they can be grounding. Some elevate and uplift us, and others calm us down. However,...

Joshua's Corner: Trust Your Hunch...
There once was a person who knew not so much. They believed in their feelings and trusted their hunch. You know, that wiggling deep down...

Weekly Insights: Sacred Spaces Between Duality...
The presence of Light and darkness in our lives is what creates the reality we live in. Both are necessary for life to exist in the...

Poem of the Week: Trusting Intuition To Guide The Way...
In this vast reality with endless possibilities, We find balance between our innate abilities. One side holds our clear intuition, The...

GOOD NEWS AROUND THE WORLD: Lowe's Donates 100 Tiny Homes To Carolina Families Waiting For Rebuilt Housing After Hurricane Flooding...
The Following Article is From The Good News Network... Many families in Western North Carolina were facing the holiday season still in...

Vibrational Healing/TCG Music: Cosmic Flow Album...
Songs: Pavan Guru Sat Gur Prasad Wahe Guru Sat Naam Archangel Groove Har Haray Haree Wahe Guru Sarbang Sat Naam Wahe Guru Cosmic Hari Har...

Latest Global Vegan News: Why Millions of Americans Want to Eat Less Meat & Dairy...
This article is from VegNews In November 2024, an eye-opening report from the Plant Based Foods Institute (PBFI) revealed that millions...

Elderly Care Spotlight: Community Resources...
Getting older can be a very difficult thing. We may have lost mobility, the privilege of driving, the support of someone close to us, or...
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